Monday, October 31, 2011

The Peak District

When we went to Dover, it was the end of August. Since September was my last month to complete the ol' disseration and pretty much all I did was that, we can skip forward a full month to our special celebratory weekend trip to the famous Peak District, a few hours north of here. Ed took a Friday and Monday off so we could have three nights in a quaint little cottage a few miles away from a quaint little town called Buxton.

I'm just gonna do a quickie entry today because I got an invitation earlier to do an interview for a teaching position at a Japanese junior college and I want to think about that instead right now.

Anyway, here are pictures of the quaint little cottage and its quaint little surroundings. It consisted of a bedroom/living room/dining room:

And there was a little tiny kitchen that was kind of awkward, since I would make breakfast and Ed wouldn't be able to do anything since he couldn't fit into the area next to the stove. The ceiling was too damn low.

And the sloping ceiling made things even worse in the bathroom, because it meant you couldn't stand up to take a shower. I either took a bath or a sitting-down shower, which was kind of not fun. Bath was okay, though, when we had time. It was kind of annoying that even little ol' me would knock my back up against the ceiling when I stood up to get my towel. Jeez. Poor architectural planning.

Other than the terrible ceiling, most everything was nice. We were on a little dirt road next to the house of the cottage owners. They talked funny! HA HA HA.

In the "back yard" was a series of fields in which some horses and ponies grazed sometimes.

Also, the cottage owner was building a little stone wall to separate the cottage from their yard. This meant that the little patio area that was advertised was not really available to us. But we didn't need it, anyway. The point of going to the Peak District was to go out on wicked long walks all day.

Next time I'll tell you about our first excursion into Buxton, the first evening we were in the area.

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