Thursday, October 27, 2011

The White Cliffs of Dover

After wandering around Dover Castle for a few hours, it was getting dangerously late in the day to go admire something outdoors, so we started walking over towards the cliffs. It looked like a really long walk from the castle, but it ended up taking less time than we thought to get there, maybe 30-40 minutes. On the way there was this sign for a public footpath. I guess it's for jaunty hikers specifically.

We took some more shots of the castle from over by the cliffs. Criss-cross!

This is me, pointing at the castle, in case you missed it.

Finally we made it over there. There are a number of easy walking paths at different levels above the cliffs.

 We were being a bit loud while taking a bunch of photos by this little precipice, or maybe it was just me, and then Ed noticed there was an old couple right above us trying to enjoy the view in peace. Oh, well. I can at least hope I wasn't as annoying as the recorded port announcements.

There's always room to pull a Riker.

 Nice face.

Here's the port. Imagine. Also, you can see France, sort of.

Views from slash of the trail:

Here's another cool cloudy sunset castle.

So as the sun was setting, we figured we ought to get back to the car. Also, I think we were really hungry. We took a different way back, that led right into town, since it seemed quicker. There were dangers along the way, though.

This is where we got back down to city-level, where we wondered how shitty it is to have a garage right below a big cliff that drops rocks on its ceiling, and possibly your car as you drive in or out.

The neighborhood (neighbourhood) that our exit path led us to really drove home our earlier suspicions that except for the tourist sites, Dover is a total shithole.

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