Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Gay Pride Weekend happened in Brighton in August, which includes a big parade and a bunch of events and such in the park. It's one of the bigger celebrations of the year. Ed and I sufficed with the parade, though, as you had to pay to get into the stuff going on at Preston Park, and we probably wouldn't find much of interest anyway.

The parade went through most of the downtown (city centre) area, and there were quite a lot of people there. They were selling penis balloons, hahaha.

Here are some shots that show the size of the crowd:

The theme of this year's parade was Out of This World, or something. Consequently, there were celestial bodies and such represented with all the rainbows.

There were quite a few elaborate costumes (fancy dress costumes) in the parade, though it wasn't always clear who or what the person was trying to be.

It's GAY-lien, get it? HA!

Dykes on Bykes:

Bis on bicycles?

This was a pretty cool costume:

It must be awkward being a merman on land, or on a bus.

 Political gay humor (humour):

It's Princess GAY-a, get it? HA!

This guy was funny because on the back of his little motorized wheelchair slash parade float, there was another sign that said, "The oldest gay in the village!"

Calling this lady a space D-Gay might be pushing the pun a bit too far.

I think this next shot is from the group of Harry Potter and the Street Full of Gays, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the parade theme...

This picture is for Dana. I think the shark's name is Brian, and he may represent a swim team in the next picture.

Here you have to wonder if it's the puppet that's gay, or the puppeteer, or both.

This was the best, because there really IS a Fairy dish soap (washing up liquid). HA!

I can't think of anything having to do with gaiety that rhymes with stilts.

This is a famous green party activist, Peter Tatchell, that Ed recognized, but of course I didn't.

Here's a post-parade crowd shot:

This sign is funny because the wording makes it seem like the feeling of gay pride caused the office to be closed, rather than the event.

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