Thursday, November 3, 2011


We arrived at our cottage on a Friday afternoon, which is in a little area called Peak Forest. Because the only nearby food was at a pub, and the neighborhood general store was closed down, we soon got back into the car to go to the nearest reasonably major town, about five miles away. We didn't know our way around at all, so just parked in the first road we saw and took a walk down the main street, which led us to the downtown area. We had supper at a little Indian restaurant, and when we looked at the menu in the window, Ed remarked that he'd forgotten we wouldn't be paying city prices for food here. Everything was like half what it would be in Brighton, and a third or maybe even a quarter of London prices.

After a very filling set menu, we wandered over to one of Buxton's two parks, next to which is an opera house of all things.

The park was cool, with a little cricks and some ponds and stuff. Many fowl.

Ed has a timer on his camera, for when there aren't any other tourists around.

FYI, I did not fall into the pond.

Here I was supposed to be pointing at that pretty building, which is a gym (health centre) as it happens. But I ended up pointing at the stupid bench instead. Thanks, Ed.

I don't think I need to say anything here.

Then it started to get dark and cold, so we went back to the cottage to have a relaxy. Notice the shirt I'm wearing, though. This is because, despite the cloudy, cool, and generally kind of crappy summer we had, all that week had been a little Indian summer, with lots of sun and heat, and it continued very conveniently until Sunday evening.

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