Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kyrenia Harbor

 Kyrenia Harbor is like the happening place around town, with lots of restaurants and shops and bars, not to mention a castle, which I'll talk about another time, and an ocean, on which one can ride a boat, if one wanted a sea tour. Or whatever. Anyway, we went over there a few evenings for supper, and it was decent. Here are a couple funny signs we saw around, haha:

Damping garbage is prohibited, in case it's hard to read.

Here's a big ol' turtle made of recycled crap:

Here's me and the ocean. Either I've lost something, or I smell.

Ed had to give up his smart shirts and perfectly gelled hair for cute t-shirts and mesh hats. He still looks like he's having fun, though.

At the harbor there were a wicked lot of cats, which either were owned by restaurateurs or who had claimed certain restaurants' outdoor seating areas as their own. This made me very happy, since I hardly ever get to hang around with cats anymore, and Ed's neighbor's cat is a stupid jerk half the time, ignoring me. With all the fish around, though, these cats were friendly.

Sometimes too friendly, even. At this place, there was one kitty who was screaming desperately, desperately at me for some of my fish, but I had just started eating, and I didn't want to encourage anyone to stick around and try to eat the whole thing. Eventually that one went on to the next table, but was replaced by the one pictured below, who crawled right onto my lap, going for my plate. I had to pick the cat up and try to get her off, but it was difficult. She stayed on the next chair while I tried to brush her white fur off my black shirt. You can see her scheming laser eyes, and you can draw a line from them right to the fish. A hard line.

Here's the place where we spent most of our vacation.

And here's me, pretending to chomp on one of the many desserts in the window. This window really got me.

We walked by this place at some point in the afternoon, and decided to go back there after supper, because they had so many amazing looking desserts, many of which just looked like bowls of chocolate. The first thing we got is in the picture above, the bowls in the chomping row, with the little round thing on top. That turned out to be basically a bowl of hazelnut-flavored chocolate goo, much like Nutella, but with some cake-like wafers inside the mass of goo, and the thing on top is a profiterole. It was like the most amazing thing I've ever tasted. And the bowl was huge, too, for a dessert. We split it, even though the picture only shows me eating it.


 We went back twice over the next couple days. Maybe those were our last three nights there. I wish we'da discovered this place the first night. Anyway, the second thing we got looked a lot like a whoopie pie, but it had kind of general cake-flavored cake discs with a layer of chocolate frosting on top, and some kind of cream in between them. I actually wasn't all that keen on this one, because it was kind of dry and wasn't chocolaty enough. Ed liked it, though, so he ate most of it, except he let me lick off all the frosting.

But the last time we went there we kind of went all out. We got a whole dessert each (Ed noted that at other tables, with locals and non-British/American foreigners, there would often be several people sharing one bowl. We were gluttons.). This time, we got a different kind of bowl of chocolate, and some sort of creme-brulee-looking thing. The chocolate thing ended up being a very rich pudding, topped with a shiny layer of the Nutellesque stuff. That was amazing. The other thing had what seemed like rice pudding inside it, with the caramelized sugar coating. That was also really good, but I don't think I'd have liked it as much without the giant bowl of chocolate with it. The rice pudding kind of balanced out the richness of the chocolate.

After we got back from Cyprus, I went through a bit of withdrawal for these desserts. I hope I get to have stuff like that again sometime. I really want some right now.

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