Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Devils Dyke

For a ridiculous fee of five pounds per round trip (and no student discount), you can take a bus, often an open-top bus, to one of the local giant patches of green, Devils Dyke.

Here's the establishing shot, with public house:

Hereafter all shots will be composed mostly of various shades of green. Devils Dyke is just a collection of hills and fields, essentially.

People go there to walk on little dirt trails, fly a kite, have a picnic, maybe look at some cows. We had a little walkie around, stopped by a tree stump to have a picnic, and then had some more walkie, after filling up on bread, cheese, hummus, olives, and fruit.

Here's a shot that's pretty much ALL green.

In the distance was a cute little house that's the kind of house I want, with a nice yard and a little pond with a swingy bench and lots of trees and shrubs and stuff.

Expensive, though.

Here's Ed, striking a Riker on a stile.

Don't forget the obligatory arm's-length two-shot.

This reminds me of that scene from Lady and the Tramp.

Here's a little fort, played upon by many a child. They RUINED it, har har.

I assume that strip of dark blue is the ocean. It's never far away.

1 comment:

  1. At least - Alia - you finally got some green and blue sky from your English Summer.
    Aunt Pam
