Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chocolate Museum, etc.

I think pretty much the first thing we did in Barcelona was go to the Museu de la Xocolata. It was decent, although a little difficult to figure out how to get into. It's in a little stone building, not very well marked, and you first walk into the chocolate store upon entering, which is confusing, because usually they sell you stuff last. You can see the museum through a glass wall while in the chocolate store, but it's not so clear how to get in right away. We eventually noticed a turnstile and a little sign, and got noticed by an employee, who sold us our tickets, which were the wrapping of a chocolate bar (with the chocolate bar included). It wasn't any stupid Hershey's bar, either; it was actually, good, dark chocolate, so I was pleased. Inside, they had all these displays, which seemed like they were supposed to be made of chocolate, but which didn't really appear that way. It all seemed more like plastic that was made to look like chocolate.

I think after a few minutes we saw some sign or something that indicated it really was all (or mostly) chocolate. Otherwise, what would be the point of the dioramas? Some of the stuff was made with white chocolate, which technically isn't chocolate, but I guess it allows for a bit of color. There were also several videos about chocolate going, as well as interactive video screens, most of which didn't work. Disappointing. I learned a lot about chocolate that day, but have forgotten most of it by now.

This is a famous mosaic lizard in Gaudi's Parc Guell. This one is chocolate. The other one is not. It's also bigger, and it has a happier expression. I think the drool in the model represents that it's a fountain?

Silhouette of chocolate nudity:

Totally Bob Esponja (and Patrick, though they don't give his Spanish name, BOOOO-urns):

A completely innocent-looking scene from Bambi:


Nothing like some good ol' Spanglish to get you going in the morning: 

Boring, although I do like models, containers, and books:

Chocolate Jebus = chocasphemy?

I feel bad for his horse.

After going through the museum, we ended back up in the chocolate store, where I felt it would be a good idea to buy a confection. They had a lot of stuff, and it took like 15 minutes at least to decide on a chocolate cookie, and then to kind of wish I'd gotten a chocolate brownie thing, although the cookie was pretty good. Everything was expensive, though, naturally.

After lunch or something we went to the Picasso museum, but we didn't take any pictures, because that's even sillier than taking pictures of chocolate displays. Anyway, I also learned a lot about Picasso which I immediately forgot, except for the fact that he had this one hilarious title, which was "Two Figures and a Cat," which is a total understatement of the painting, haha. This museum was also laid out somewhat confusingly, but was stone and had a lot of cavelike aspects, like a cavey bathroom, so that was good. I wanted to buy a souvenir, but I'm poor and nothing in the gift shop was good enough to spend all my money on.

This is an ad we kept seeing everywhere in town of a chick spitefully licking her knee at a bottle of something or other. We made up stories about like the jealousy she was trying to evoke in her cheating bottle by fraternizing with her knee. What a suite ad. I wonder if it sells anything.

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