Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Barcelona for Christmas

Over Christmas Ed and I went to Barcelona. Normally when I have time and some money for vacation, I go to warm places, so I was looking at Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, etc., but it was all too expensive, and not even that warm, so we decided to go to Barcelona. It's cheap to get there and everyone loves it. We left on the 23rd and stayed four nights. This bit of traveling is easy compared to most of my other trips: just a twenty minute walk to the train station, an hour's train ride to the airport, a two-hour flight, a quick train ride, and just a couple subways stops and some walking once we got to the neighborhood of our hotel. We did have to leave at like 3:30am, though, since our flight was at 7, so that totally blew, but it did get us to the hotel by midday, which allowed us to have lunch and take a nice long nap and get up in time to go out and explore and find supper.

Here's me before we left, maybe the night before? I've been wearing my glasses a lot lately because I was having trouble with my contacts.

This is us, wicked tired, on the train to the airport. I think this picture tells volumes.

Here's me after our nappy, with my new haircut.

Here are some pictures of our hotel, which was called uhh, the Condado? It was off a major road, Diagonal, which led to some other major areas. The end.

Ed thought it was funny I took a picture of the bathroom. Heh, bidet.

We went to La Rambla, a touristy promenade, to search for food. I don't really remember which place we went to. It might have been the place where I got some food that I wasn't all that impressed with and don't remember what it was, but I had profiteroles for the first time for dessert, and that was pretty good.

Outside, there were lights everywhere for Christmas. Then we went home and crashed.

The problem with the hotel was that it was like a vampire hotel, which had curtains designed to block out absolutely all possibility of outside light. So I think we slept until like 10 or 11, but it felt like it was the middle of the night still when we woke up. After that, we left the curtains open a crack, but even then not much light came though, since our window looked out onto a wall and a strange little courtyard-like space that served no purpose.

Up next: museums.

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