Someone left a tv out on the sidewalk (pavement) recently, with a funny note.
Ed made me a traditional kid's breakfast called boiled egg and soldiers. Apparently you boil an egg, so the white hardens, but the yolk is still pretty runny. Then you butter some toast and cut it into short strips (soldiers) to dip into the egg. Ed boiled my eggs, then I got to tap tap the tops open with my knife, and after using up all the yolk, scrape the remaining whites out with a spoon. It's good.
The first attempt wasn't perfick, since the yolk was a bit too hard, so a couple weeks later we tried again, and it was much better.
On Easter, Ed got me a large dark chocolate egg, which was very nice. He wanted me to eat the whole thing that day, but no. Later he brought me a Cadbury set of two creme eggs and another hollow chocolate egg about half the size as the first one. Normally I'd be disappointed at hollow eggs, but dark chocolate can't be beat, and Cadbury milk chocolate is about infinitely better than any crappy American chocolate. I've only just finished the milk chocolate egg, and am still working on the dark chocolate one. Almost done.
It would be nice to include my recent trips to Arundel Castle and the British Museum in this post, but since I have a paper due in a few days, I don't have time to deal with that. You'll have to wait until the end of the month, probably. By then I'll have had other adventures to talk about, too.
Oh there you are in fuzzy jammies. Lawks! But I must say, pictures of people eating are like recordings of children singing. Sweet and yet so creepy. SO CREEPY. And why haven't we seen the school. You promised. All my love to Ed.